Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Baby Rabies

Here we are folks at the  39th week and some change. I am 100% ready for this not-so-little guy to make his grand appearance. This whole pregnancy I have been telling myself he was going to be two weeks late to prepare myself for going over my due date. And then, the most unfortunate thing happened at exactly 37 weeks. I started having intense Braxton Hicks for two straight hours making me think he might be coming sooner rather than later. False. It appears he is more than happy to stay in Hotel Uterus for the next  3 weeks. I keep wondering what my mindset would be like if I hadn't started having those "fake" contractions three weeks ago and I feel like I would be a much happier camper. 
At my most recent doctor's appointment, my fav OB let me know I am zero percent dilated for the third week in a row. Rowboat's head is super low and apparently my cervix is downy soft (80% effaced), but no progress as of yet. During our super personal encounter, my doctor let me know we would likely not talk about induction until I am 42 weeks (July 28th) because I have a gigantic pelvis that could easily accommodate a 11 pound baby. I for sure DO NOT want to be induced, but imaging still being pregnant in a month is almost unbearable. It' s like a switch finally went off and my "I love being pregnant" mantra went to "Head toward the light at the end of the tunnel little boy or  that little home of yours is about to become a hostile environment ". Bending over feels like a brilliant and underutilized form of torture. I also cannot go 30 minutes without having to run to the bathroom which makes doing anything a p-a-r-t-y. I have begun to fantasize about the day when I can sleep on my back again without waking up to a racing heart, nausea, and cold sweats.  Also, I cannot wait to run again! I miss it so much more than I ever imagined I would. 
 All things considered, I still do feel pretty grand. Rowboat has never once kicked me in the ribs, my back has yet to be sore, I am not super swollen, I can still go on our three mile walks no problem, and I usually get at least five hours of sleep at night. So… I guess I can understand a little bit why this kid feels like he is chill to stay in there another millennium.
Despite all of that, this week Sel and I have been doing everything we can think of to encourage a speedy exit of the bambino. We ate an entire pineapple in 36 hours, had me walk on curbs for our daily 3 miler and yesterday I even waddle/ran for a few minutes, I have bounced on.my birth ball for hours, and eaten spicy food. My cervix, however, is still happily keeping that kid in.
I had my last day of work exactly a week ago due to the anticipation annoyingly built those fateful weeks ago. I can't decide if I wish I was still going to work as it would be a distraction whereas,  I also have reached a weird point where I don't want to go anywhere or do anything. Obviously physical things are a bit more taxing than before, but it's become a constant reminder from strangers, family, or friends that the baby is still not here. "Any day now" is likely the worst phrase ever invented in regards to pregnancy because any day now entails a very large 6 week window.  I don't know what is wrong with me because I haven't even hit my official due date yet, but I am starting to realize my initial prediction of him coming two weeks late is extremely likely. Ultimately, all I want is for this little guy to be as healthy and happy as possible even if it means two and a half more weeks of this.  I know for certain that he is worth the wait.


  1. Oh man, you sound miserable. Haha here's to hoping he comes sooner rather than later!

  2. You are a (storm) trooper! A baby makin' badass! I'm rooting for you :)
