Sunday, December 14, 2014

Four to Score

So...I missed the four month mark by a bit. Whoops. I am sure anyone who reads this has simply been glued to their electronic device constantly hitting refresh since November 25th waiting for  me to post. I can almost guarantee Rowan will not ever care to read anything about his baby days considering he is Sel's clone and Sel is nostalgic once in a blue moon. I really have started to wonder lately if Sel produced Rowan via parthenogenesis and I actually had a sympathetic pregnancy. Not only does Rowan take after Sel in every physical way possible (minus the chin. That King chin snuck it's way in there) his personality is scary similar.

Right now Rowan is crazy busy. Not being able to move is driving him bonkers and giving me an amazing daily arm and core workout. He recently has mistaken himself for an Olympic diver and tries to Kamikaze out of my arms all day long.  He can roll both ways ( tummy to back and back to tummy) and seems to graciously acknowledge my applause every time he rolls.
His true roots with food have finally started to peak through. He still is very particular about his drinking environment, but he will eat "grown up" food anywhere, anytime. Watching him eat rice cereal is hilarious. He has to grab my hand the whole time to make sure I am getting it in his mouth fast enough and he starts to whine when he realizes the bowl is almost empty. Another reason I know my genes are practically null and void in this kid are those lightening fast reflexes and fantastic coordination. If he wants a piece of food making it's way to my mouth, he will grab it before I even realize what is happening. I like to think he is trying to help me lose the baby weight.

Real quick blurb about that. I am hungry allll the freaking time. I ate a whole peck ( check out my fruit lingo y'all) of Empire apples last week. I am admitting to that food grievance because it makes me sound healthy when in reality I simultaneously ate  an entire White Chocolate Coconut bar from Aldi within ten minutes. Luckily I went ahead and shared part of it with the trash can instead of my hips. (Sorry mom and dad! Thanks so much though for always giving me my favorite treats even when I am chubby).

Rowan is still sleeping in two hour increments. He also is sleeping in our bed almost the whole night. Go ahead and guilt me up and down about co-sleeping. I welcome you to come and do said guilting tomorrow night and then you, me and Rowan can have an all night chat about me being the worst mom to walk the planet. We tried the cry it out method and it was brutal. I am not tired enough yet to watch my baby in such misery. I am amazed at how my body has adjusted to a perpetual lack of sleep. The more I have talked to other parents about sleeping the more I have realized most parents just aren't going to sleep until their kids head off to college. It's crazy to me that we've been having babies since the dawn of time and no one has all the answers on sleeping, nursing, and the general task of keeping offspring alive. I guess every baby is just totally different and comes with his or her own unique quirks. I am reading a book right now called the no tears sleep method and have already noticed a slight difference in Rowan's sleeping. So here's to hoping and praying sleep makes its way back into my daily schedule in 2015.

He can sort of hold himself up by himself. It scares the goodness out of me because he banged his head on his crib right after I took this. Kid has got places to be apparently
What else? Rowan is still topping the charts in height and earning a respectable B average for weight (85 percentile). I am refusing to give up on some of his 6-9 month clothes because I love some of them too much. Rowan hates me for it. He understandably protests every time I try to squeeze his head and arms into clothes that are too small. I'll admit I probably need to accept defeat and move solely to the 9-12 months. I will just have to pray for another XY to come our way for the next baby.

Overall,  four months has been pretty stellar. Rowan is such a good natured soul and the sweetest  baby. I constantly want to just squeeze him and kiss that expressive, handsome face of his.
And here's this month's photo dump!

We are terrible people for not sharing

His Thanksgiving feast of rice cereal. He was only slightly upset that it was gone. 

Best view in Chi town

His fav person is still Sel

Aunt Jess has scrumptious hair

Rowan is super into screens. He won't look at anything else if there is a screen in the near vicinity. Also, how cute his he with his gramps?

Seriously, this kid CANNOT sit still for a second. I am in for so much trouble 

He LOVES when we force him to stop moving. 


He has started to give some seriously sweet hugs and kisses lately. 

Rowan has a huge fat crush on this cutie. 

Zoo lights

1 comment:

  1. Cute Cute pictures. You guys have such an awesome family unit!
