Monday, July 11, 2016

Lyra 1 Month

My little girl is 1 month old! We made it! We survived! We deserve a badge or trophy or something. The real people deserving an award are our families. I don't think we could have done it without them. I remember a few weeks before Lyra both our poor moms were sounding like they wouldn't be able to come help due to some health problems. We then were looking at my sister leaving before Lyra was born if I wasn't induced. We. Would. Have. DIED. Seriously though. I remember telling someone that people have new babies all the time without help and are fine. I don't know who those people are, but they must be from Mount Olympus. Or at least have a summer cabin there. After all our family left, Mike had a week off of work and he was the only way I am still standing (ahem, is the only reason). 

I make it sound like it's been rough, but it luckily hasn't. Lyra has been a great sleeper. She has been pulling four hour stretches since my milk came in and has done three six-hour stretches in a row. Bless her beautiful self. She's a great eater too! We had a run in with blood blisters and thrush, but it luckily cleared up after a week. She's already pulling in at 11.5 lbs, in 3 month clothes and barely fits in size 1-2 diapers. I was really hopeful in the beginning that she would grow at a more reasonable pace than Rowan, but it seems these two babies of ours are intent on becoming giant as quickly as possible. She's crazy strong. She's rolled over TWICE! I thought the first time was a fluke, but she did it again a few days after. She's keeping me on my toes. 
She's also an extremely mellow baby. Rowan was definitely more smiley and interactive from the beginning whereas she seems less amused by most things. She's undeniably sweet, just less interested in people than her brother. Speaking of, Rowan adores her. She has a pretty rad big brother. 
I haven't been able to tell ultimately if she's an easier newborn than Row was or if it's just that we've been to this rodeo before. It's also different to have a newborn to compare to a toddler who is infinitely harder in essentially every aspect. 
The "hardest" part so far is that Lyra has clogged tear ducts. We were going to bless her a few Sunday's ago while all of our family was here, but she woke up at 4AM with a river of what looked like pus down her face. I panicked thinking our daughter was going to be blind. Of course it happened on a Sunday when we couldn't just pop over to the pediatrician's office and ended up at the ER where they tested her to see if she picked up an STD on her way out of the birth canal. Luckily none of my many venereal diseases were passed on. Now she just leaks gunk from her eyeballs every five minutes. It makes me sad because I get nervous when people want to look at her and think they are going to be horrified by her crusty eyes. The worst part is that it could go on for up to a YEAR before they would do anything about it. 
Little Lyra Rose is waking up. We sure love our littlest Warden! 

We had to go back to the ped office for a weight check a few days after she was born. It was so stupid because my milk had come in on the Sunday night after she was born and our first appointment was Monday morning so of course she wasn't back up to birth weight yet. 

Her poor little eye. This was 1/16 of the puddle that was originally pouring down her face

What my mornings look like these days 

Why So Serious?

This was right before our family/newborn shoot. She cried more during the one hour we were there then she has in her four weeks of life. It was a blast

Double swaddles. Row loves doing all the baby things

Her first three hour Sunday 

She's already really good at grabbing onto us. She's an adorable little monkey 

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