Sunday, March 15, 2020

Rocky Road 10 months

Rodrick Royal is almost 1! It breaks my heart I haven't kept up on my journaling here about him. I've gone back so many times to compare the older two kids at their various stages based on the info I put in my blog and I won't have that with him.

He does so many sweet, adorable, perfect things that I never want to forget. He calls Mike AND Rowan Dada. It's so cute! He's starting to make sounds that are sooo close to the word. I'm pretty sure he said bird the other day and gets really close to saying fish. He signs open for everything under the sun. It's shocking how applicable it really is for so many different things. If you're going to learn one sign as a baby, open is a pretty good one. He signs milk, but sometimes just open (your shirt). All animals are either a bird or a dog right now. He is learning lots of signs everyday and it's so fun to see him get to interact back with us. Right now he consistently and correctly signs, milk, open, dog, bird, baby, book, binky, and sucker. He gets SO excited when he sees animal and whines constantly until he can touch them. We saw a squirrel the other day and he was determined to track that guy down and give him a big squeeze. Rocky loves babies. If he sees them, he needs to be by them and touching them and slobbering and clobbering them.

He's really close to full on walking. He can take a few steps at a time before falling down, but it's not his primary mode of transport yet. He's started to do this funny bear crawl because he doesn't want his knees to touch the floor, but he also can't balance perfectly yet to master walking. He's a pro at climbing and scarily can climb on all sorts of things. The other day, he pulled himself onto the top of the handle bar at chick-fil-a and clung there until I forced him to get down. He used to climb on to the top of our entryway desk until Mike smartly put up some netting to keep him from perching up there with his gift cards. Rocky loves to have a handful of plastic. Give him all the credit cards and gift cards and you've got a happy baby on your hands.

He loves to be part of the action with his siblings. If they're wrestling, he needs to be wrestling them too. He'll just crawl his little baby bum all over them and sit on their heads while they try to "gently" push him off. They honestly do a really good job with him and both usually crack up when he joins their fun. Rocky also looooves when I run with him after them. He'll kick his legs and laugh so hard. Lyra loved that too, but really loved when I'd have her sit on Rowan's shoulders or bop him on the head.

His soft, down-feather hair is so sweet. It grows like Lyra's. Nothing on top and so much on the back. Both could really rock a natural mullet.

I love my 10-month old little boy

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