Monday, November 12, 2012


I have some seriously sad addicitions I have been trying to overcome lately. Here are some of them in no particular order

1. Lemons
2. Chocolate
3. Water
4. Running
5. Josh Groban

These don't sound so bad, do they? False. An addiction to anything as I am discovering is not good.
Let'st talk about lemons. When people find out I am obsessed with lemons, they picture me squeezing lemon juice lightly in my water. This is not an accurate picture of what I actually do. I eat lemons. I cut them open and eat their delicious, mouthwatering flesh. I also eat them out of bowls so when I am done eating all the flesh, I can sip up all the lemon juice that leaked out into my bowl. Whenever I go to restaraunts and they bring out the little cup of lemons slices for you to daintly squeeze into your water, it is ALL I can do to not eat all of them. In fact, I don't think I have actually been able to completely resist this before...Lemons actually have some great health benefits BUT they should be consumed in moderation. I am currently eating one to two lemons a day :( Sel is a tinsy bit worried and made me buy the baby lemons at Winco instead of the normal sized ones. I am trying to cope with the downsize in my favorite fruit. It is really stinkin hard. just finished my lemon of the day and am trying to convince myself I do NOT want to sneak to Smith's later tonight and buy more.

Chocolate. This has been addressed before. As it is genetic, it is not entirely my fault. Sel brought me back Merci chocolates from his interview (cause he is the best freaking husband in the WORLD) but it only took me 48 hours to finish the whole thing. Granted Sel helped, but there was a whole bunch of chocolate in the pretty little box.

Addicted to water? Not a real thing, right? Everyone is addicted to water. If we weren't, we would all die. I, however, am clocking in at about a gallon of water a day. Guess what that means. I have to pee every 22 minutes. My desk job has allowed me to accurately track this with a standard deviation of +/- 3 minutes. It is seriously an issue as my coworker and boss get to hear me get up ever half hour and run down the hallway. They probably think I am addicted to crack or I am hooking up with the janitor or this friendly, yet supremely creepy man who brings me my daily dose of water.

People always act like this one is made up. I have recommenced my running regime at full force and it is having it's previous consequences. I spend half my day looking out the window thinking about my run and the other half of the day looking at my computer thinking about my run. I get super stressed at the thought that I might have to do social things that would interfere with my running schedule. It has become even more of an issue as of late since I only have about 30-40 minutes of daylight after work to get my run on which is not enough time to get in six miles (yet...someday soon when I am a speedy beast I will be able to do six miles in 45 minutes).

We have Pandora on our TV and I have it on my phone. I tried to be hip and add a bunch of different stations last week while Sel was gone so I had more than the Josh Groban, Mo-Tab, PSY Gangman Style, and Halloween channel. It didn't go well. Blast that man for having the voice of an angel. My boy Josh actually has a Christmas CD and that is pretty much all I listen to over Christmas. I will never tire of my fav musician, but poor Sel has to listen to him ALL the time. I feel a bit okay about it though because I sometimes catch him humming JG songs unexpectedly or even singing them out loud when he is trying to not fall asleep while doing homework.

I was reviewing all my addictions and kept thinking, well, at least I am not addicted to crack or heroine or LSD or porn or eating my own hair follicles. Not all of them have dire consequences...right? Also, anyone know where you can buy lemons in bulk?

1 comment:

  1. Josh who? Never heard of him. And chocolate is not an addiction; it's a devotion. Don't forget Alma 46:40, which clearly states that chocolate is an "excellent plant... which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases". Chocolate makes you happy and when you're happy your blood pressure goes down. Therefore, chocolate removes the cause of heart disease and stroke. It's also a cure for some curse, but I forgot which one.
