Friday, July 10, 2015

Daze of Rowan

I don't know if I am just overly nosey or healthily curious, but I am always wondering what is going on in people's day-to-day lives that you don't see or read about. I mean, I mostly know what my parents do everyday and Sel, but I also miss big parts of their life. Especially since Sel is pretty brief in his recount of the day and I am always getting tangled up in telling him way too many details from mine. Well since I am sure evvvveryone is wondering about every tiny detail in my life, here is an incredibly interesting and detailed documentation of a day in the Warden household.

5:45am - I hear Rowan crying on the monitor and will him with my mom psychic powers to go back to sleep. Sel's alarm will be going off in ten minutes and I know there is nothing worse than being woken up a few minutes before your alarm.

5:48 - I sigh and get out of bed. Rowan is jumping up and down in his crib saying Momma! Momma! over and over. I can't help but smile and relish the adoration of my numero uno fan. 
I sit down to nurse him. Mid-nurse he signs that he wants a cracker. I am almost 100% certain he does not actually want a cracker, but thinks that is his ticket to play downstairs instead of going back to bed. 

6:00- We stumble downstairs to eat a breakfast of crackers. Rowan grabs the cracker I hand him, then lunges into the living room. He plays with some toys for a minute while finishing his cracker. He glances over at me and I can tell he knows I am about to take him back upstairs to bed. He furiously signs that he wants to watch Baby Signing Time knowing again how to avoid bed a little bit longer. 

6:10 - I have given up hope of getting quickly back to bed and decide to make Sel breakfast like the bomb awesome wife that I am. I pour him a bowl of cereal and cut up some bananas and strawberries to put on top. I put a carton of cashew milk next to it and admire what an fantastic cook I am. Thank goodness Sel has a part-time chef, full-time model for a wife. 

6:15 I go back into the living room and Rowan wants to sit in my lap while we watch the rest of Baby Signing Time. He lounges comfortably there and pats my arm. He then reaches up to pull my head down to rest on his head. I happily submit to the morning cuddling demands. 

6:45 Sel leaves for the hospital to show off his Internal Medicine skills and I take the sleepy boy in my arms back up to his crib. He lays down happily in his crib which never fails to amaze me these days. I debate whether to run on the treadmill or go back to bed. The idea of putting on a sports bra tires me out and I decide bed it is. 

8:45 I wake up feeling like a Disney princess. I excitedly realize I can brush my teeth and go to the bathroom without Rowan wanting to assist me in my morning routine! Right as I reach for my toothbrush, I hear him yell MOM from his room. Thank goodness I didn't have high aspirations of a shower on my dream list. I go in his room and he throws a binky at me. I let him nurse again, but he rolls off my lap and takes off for the door. His favorite thing to do lately is watch the blood drain out of my face as he tries to walk down our stairs. I grab him and pin him down to take of his PJ's and diaper. Once both are off, he wrestles free and runs to the door. He starts banging on it as if I am a monster in a horror film about to eat him. I take him downstairs naked hoping he will be more compliant down there. He isn't. He zooms around naked throwing our assortment of balls. I pin him down again while he whines and wriggles hysterically. Once he has a diaper and clothes on, he signs that he wants to go outside. It rained last night so there are hundreds of puddles for Rowan to jump in. We splash around in them until Rowan tries to drink the water like the African baby from Babies. 

9:15 We go back inside. Rowan is now soaked and needs a new outfit. He signs that he wants to wash his hands. He sits on his perch in the sink playing with the soap while I scrub his hands and feet. 

9:30 I notice I have a voicemail. It's from an angel woman at Sam's who found Sel's wallet in a puddle. I look at the newly dressed baby who is most assuredly the wallet dropping culprit. I have to make a few phone calls regarding girls camp, but Rowan keeps signing that he wants me to swing him in the infant carseat. I momentarily regret teaching him sign language. I try to write on a sticky pad all the things the director is telling me while simultaneously swinging Rowan around. 

10:00 We head to Sam's club to retrieve the wallet. I let Rowan run rampant down all the aisles. I remember we are out of sugar and grab a 10 lb bag. Row is insistent that I let him hold it. He grunts while he tries to lift essentially half his body weight. An elderly man with a cowboy hat stops to watch Row. As soon as he realizes he has an audience, Rowan scrunches one shoulder up to his cheek and smiles. He then doubles his efforts to pick up the sugar. As soon a the man walks away, Rowan beelines it for a toddler walking behind her mom. Rowan walks excitedly up to the girl and wraps his arms around her while the toddler exclaims that there is "A BABY!". 

11:00 We head home after an hour of cruising around Sam's. We play ball for a little bit when we get home. Rowan signs food-which means watermelon in this household. I try to get him to sit in his seat, but he won't bend his legs. I take the tray off his highchair to better get him in there. He throws an epic tantrum. I have a genius moment and lower the highchair to the level of our table. Rowan relaxes and sits happily at the table. Once he has apparently reached a level of satiety, he begins throwing his food on the floor. I tell him no and he makes what I am guessing is an imitation of my serious face and shakes his head back and forth. I give him a small piece of banana which he immediately throws on the floor. I sternly say no and tell him he doesn't get anymore food. He erupts in tears. Time for a nap.

11:45 - Rowan goes down easy. I debate whether to do something productive like the dishes, exercise, fold laundry or to sit on the couch eating ginger carrot soup leftover and reading my book. I compromise with myself to do the dishes then read while walking on the treadmill.

12:45 - I hope off of the treadmill and swear I am going to go upstairs and shower in just one second. I just need to check my email.

1:15 - Somehow 30 minutes have vanished from my life while looking at my dumb phone. Rowan is babbling happily over the monitor. Looks like I will be trying to shower with an extremely mobile baby. Rowan and I get in the shower and I try to figure out how to block him from getting my shampoo in his eyes. Bubbles from my shampoo pile up by the drain that Rowan is sitting on. He eats a giant handful while I try to stop him. I rinse his hands and hand him a toy. He dips his face in the water and eats another bunch of bubbles. I give up and let him have at it. Bubbles for lunch.

1:30 - Rowan helps me brush my hair (whacks me in the head with the brush). I throw on some clothes then hold up two options of clothes for Rowan to pick from. He laughs and grabs them both then throws them away from him. Nudity is his preferred outfit. He signs that he wants to go outside. I slap a diaper on him and we head out to jump in more puddles.

3:00 - We somehow manage to spend 90 minutes happily playing in puddles and our miniature baby playground. While playing in puddles, a lady shoots me a dirty look when Rowan rips off his diaper and sits on the sidewalk naked. I contemplate taking off my pants knowing she is obviously disapproving of the fact that I am not also naked. Instead, I wave and she scowls back while mumbling something under her breath. Parenting for the win over here.

3:00 Rowan is on outfit two of the day now. I feel kind of sick and then remember I squandered my time to eat lunch. We go into the kitchen where Rowan keeps signing cracker while holding a cracker in each hand. Row and I share a bowl of carrot soup. He tries to steal my spoon and then drop it on the floor. I curse our landlord for putting in disgusting carpet in a kitchen. But seriously, what were you thinking?!

3:20 - I realize I need to find some manuals for girls camp. We head to the church to pick them up. As soon as we walk in, Rowan smells a basketball. He honestly doesn't even go in the gym that much when we are at church, but he knows exactly where the basketballs are kept. He squishes his face against the glass and says "ba! ba!" over and over until I relent. We go in the gym and pass the basketball back and forth. He then decides he wants to shoot. For the first time in his impressive basketball career, he bends his knees and bounces while shooting. It's so adorable I can hardly handle it. He zooms up and down the court dropping the ball then chasing it. I wonder what my life will be like attending hundreds of little league basketball games. I lift him up to grab the net and we do it over and over until I feel like my guns have been sufficiently polished. I lay on the gym floor and Rowan dog piles me. He honks my nose a few times then tries to poke my belly button.

4:20 - I decide I really ought to get the manuals we came here for. Rowan cries when I try to take him out of the gym. I take a brief survey of safety hazards and decide the numbers look pretty good for me to run to the Young Women's room while letting him play in the gym. I barely make it out the door when he cries and calls after me. We go to the cabinet together and start rifling through it. While I am occupied with finding manuals, I hear Rowan playing with a new trashbag liner. I continue to do my thing. A few moments pass without the bag making rustling noises. I turn around to see Rowan licking a piece of chewed up gum. Horrified, I rip it out of his hand and we book it for the bathroom. He happily lets me splash water in his mouth and hands.

5:00 - We have now been at the church for 90 minutes when my plan was maybe 9 minutes. Sel calls to let us know he got off early! Yippee! Nothing like having a husband who comes home before 11:00pm! Sel shows up to the church looking studly in his required button up and tie. I happily applaud whomever thought doctors ought to dress nicely while dealing with vomit, blood, and urine. At least I am winning here. Rowan seems exhausted after b-ball jr practice so we head home.

5:30 - Rowan is down for a nap and I start chopping veggies for dinner. Tonight's special is Dirty Mike's Casserole - a throwback to our young married college days together. Broccoli, spinach, onions, peppers, noodles, a box of red roasted pepper soup, and a sprinkle of nutritional yeast. I pop it in the over and walk into the living room to discover Sel is also taking a brief nap on the couch. I sit down to read my book for a bit.

6:30 - Rowan wakes up just as the casserole is done. Perfect timing little one. All three of us sit down for dinner which still sort of feels like a miracle post-step studying. I savor the moment of my little family happily eating together. We say a prayer and dig in.

6:45 - Rowan does pretty awesome eating some of the casserole. Much better than he has done lately with baby food. He signs for a cracker again. We discover due to Rowan's culinary genius that the casserole tastes mega good with crushed up crackers on top. Thanks dude. Rowan then starts throwing food on the floor and reaching for me. He sits on my lap while I spoon the last few bites in my mouth.

7:00 - Sel heads to the living room to study and Row and I head out for a walk. We see four dogs on our walk. Rowan's favorite sign of all time (other than cracker) is dog. He excitedly pets all of them and slaps his leg over and over. We almost make it back to our house before he causes internal bleeding from straining to get out. I pull him out and let him walk. Instead of walking forward, he heads toward a pile of sticks. We play with the sticks for a bit. He spots a pile of dog poop and heads toward that charming brown tower. I grab him and try to start walking back to our house while pushing the stroller and carrying my wriggling baby. I fail. We stop again a few feet away and play with the leaves and grass. I pull out my big guns and tempt Rowan back into the stroller with a binky I was hiding in my pocket.

8:15 - We arrive home and Sel is concluding his last case study. I take Rowan upstairs for bath time. I can't figure out why there are so many bubbles while the water is running. I reach for his baby wash only to realize Rowan has somehow poured the entire container into the bath. My potential annoyance is dashed away by how happy he is playing in the bubbles. This is essentially his first bubble bath. Once he switches from eating handfuls of bubbles to drinking cups of it, I cut him off.

8:45 - We play our new game of passing mom the binky while I try to get him in his diaper and pjs without a full on meltdown. He giggles and I realize I somehow birthed the most incredible, adorable and sweetest baby to ever live. We say prayers. Our at least I do while Rowan tries to pull my shirt down over and over. He feverishly signs milk while I peek at him through my closed eyes. He nurses and slips happily into his crib.

9:15 - I come downstairs and offer to make Sel a watermelon slushy (frozen watermelon, lime, and coconut milk - totally life changer) hoping it will impress the pants off of him. It takes way longer than I expect because the watermelon chunks are really frozen.

9:40 Finally, we start our "companionship study" of Preach My Gospel. My new favorite part of our time together - which has been pretty sparse lately.

10:00 - Sel says he is going to play one game of League of Legends. I go to do the dishes and watch Dr. Who while cleaning up the kitchen. Once done, I decide to get a start on our cow costumes for Chick-Fil-A free meal day. I watch an interview on the Glen Beck Show of Stephanie Nielson (author of Heaven is Here). I try to get over how much I dislike him and focus on how much I like her.

11:00 Sel says he is heading up to bed. I say I am going to fold laundry then be right up. I look at the three piles of laundry waiting to be folded and vow to do it tomorrow. While getting ready for bed, I notice Sel has sweetly taken my glasses from my bedside table and put them in the bathroom for me. I stumble around our room anyway trying to plug in my phone and Rowan's monitor. After I am positive I have disrupted Sel to the max, I crawl into bed. He grabs my hand when I get under the covers and I let sleep wash over me.

I know. I know that was probably incredibly boring to read. It certainly wasn't boring to live it though. Luckiest girl in the world right here. 

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