Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Talent to Brag About

You know when you get those annoying "Get To Know You" forms and they ask you what your talents are. I usually list the fifty or so I generally excel at: eating, sleeping in class, knowing random facts about the universe that take the place of knowing useful facts for acing classes that will help me take over the universe, procrastinating, etc. This final talent, procrastinating, has taken me years to develop. In my younger years, I never would have listed it as a talent-more as a random hobby I sometimes played around with whenever my mom reminded me to clean my room. In high school, I thought it wise to excel at other things and so I procrastinated developing my procrastination skills (whoa, bet that thought just blew your mind ;) My first year in college was one that finally allowed true opportunity to develop my hidden talent. I didn't realize my hidden talent until finals week of my freshman year. It was a beautiful experience. I had thought until that point I didn't have any particular talent I excelled at-I was mostly just mediocre at a handful of things. My realization occurred when I procrastinated studying for finals by watching five movies and an entire disk of episodes of the X-Men animated series. Once I got my grades back for that semester, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was a Class A procrastinator. Developing such a talent really does take a lot of time and effort. If you are reading this and wishing you could be a Class A procrastinator, just know it isn't the easiest of paths to follow. Most Class A procrastinators have to posses a certain degree of talent initially before they can truly begin to excel. Discovering I had this genius ability was a bit overwhelming. Was it possible for a human being to be so astoundingly good at such a thing? I kept my talent partially hidden throughout my freshman year for fear people would view me as some freaky procrastinating genius they simply couldn't relate to. This semester, however, I have decided to let my talent really shine. Why should I hide something I am so miraculously good at? I should share my talent with the world! I now stare at the odd water marks in my apartment for hours wondering what it would be like to ride atop a elephant in Indonesia instead of doing my physics homework. Instead of studying for my music civilization class, I practice speaking in different accents and coming up with ridiculous (though extremely true) stories of how Isaac Newton was in love with a musically gifted nun. Instead of grading endless papers, I decide to eat all of my roommates food. When I should be running off all of the food I keep ingesting, I decide to let facebook continue to steal a part of my soul. Instead of studying for the dumbest class ever invented by worlds most evil creatures, I decide to write on my blog. See! I have made some truly impressive strides to claiming procrastination as a full fledged talent. I can put it on resumes, OT applications, "Get to Know You" forms, you name it! My heart is full with the final acceptance that I do have a valid and well developed talent to brag about. In fact, I think I will go try and strengthen my talent a bit more by choosing to take a nap :)

1 comment:

  1. I. Love. You. Dearest girl- good job on sharing your talents and letting the world see your light! Alas, I lack what genius you have : (
