Monday, November 15, 2010

Just Say No to Sugar

Just to let you know, it is 2:30AM. Ask me if I have a class in roughly five hours? Now ask me if I think I will even remotely make it on time? Final question, do I have a very unhealthy relationship with food that fully expressed itself this weekend as it does in many weekend instances?
So this weekend I got to venture up to Logan with (let's call him Scottish Eyebrowed Lad or Sel for short) to visit my lovely cousin. My cousin, for all who don't know, is one of the world's top ten coolest people. If you don't believe me, google top ten coolest people and you will see her pretty lil self right next to Aragorn, Dumbledore, and Billy Joel (if you haven't discovered how fantastical my pal BJ is, you need to download all of his songs immediately to your ipod). Moving on. I am a strong believer in the concept that one gets to chose how awkward they feel. Certain degrees of awkwardness, however, can stem from being caught of guard without a logical way to navigate a new turn in a situation. One such instance occurred while Sel and cousin were eating dinner at Logan's fine food establishment, Juniper. As per Logan is a college town and Juniper has some of the tastiest food for students to partake of, a large contingency of Aggies (I finally learned what this stands for. Agriculturalists= Aggies. Almost as lame as my high school mascot except for they don't wear brown and yellow skirts) are bound to gather here on any given night in honor of delectable food. A boy my cousin had done the awkward date tango with came in to Juniper. Just as cousin was launching into describing the awkwardness involved with this boy, Sel goes "I know him". As we began laughing at his jokester self, Sel got up to embrace the fellow. Mild awkwardness escalated to unnavigable awkwardness. How could one expect cousin to react to such a shock that such a social tie could possibly be made between these two? Answer: She couldn't have.
The second part of Friday evening consisted of going to the Logan temple for baptisms. What more could I say than it was beautiful and the temple is literally one of the best places on earth? Also, Logan temple goers are spoiled because shampoo and conditioner are provided for your ten minute, worry free shower after you get out of the font.
Saturday was a fun, cookie filled blast. After babysitting for my other cousin awhile back, it was revealed unto Sel and I about a hidden magical world in Logan called Pepperidge Farm. In this magical place, you can buy 3 pound bags of milano cookies for $3. Since Tim Tams have recently redefined to me what it means to live, I knew I must visit this magical land that birthed my revolutionary discovery. I think I ate every single sample cookie and goldfish displayed on that glowing table of yore where King Cookie once sat with a few shiny friends of his. Now this might not have been such a terrible of thing had I not then gone on to buy a whole package of Tim Tams, had pounded some Fro-Yo the night before, preceded to eat far too many handfuls of Jalapeno Kettle chips at the rugby game, ate a giant lunch followed by a cheesecake contraption at a beautiful bridal shower, ate the chocolate party favor on the car ride home, sampled some more of the Pepperidge Farm magic, and then spent Sunday eating astronomically large amounts of chili at the chili cook off (my roommates took second by the way), and more sugary goodness at munch and mingle. I attribute my current state of death like longings for sleep to my poorly made food choices in the past 72 hours. Let my Lauren go (if you know where this line comes from, you have just inched your way onto Google's waiting list for top ten coolest people)
Yes! Mission successful. I am now entering the glorious field of exhaustion. Moral of this story and any other really: If you think it is a good idea to spend a whole weekend pumping your body with pure sugar, you will spend the rest of the weekend, week, month, eternity wishing you were a smarter person. Just say no to sugar! Smokey the Bear endorses this cautionary message :)

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