Thursday, December 2, 2010

Random Thoughts

About a year ago, I read an article that changed my life. A man posted 3 pages worth of random thoughts about life. This is the article if you so wish to enlighten your life with it's profound wisdom (Warning:he does use some vulgar language a bit, BUT the rest of the article is hilarious enough to make one forget about it) My favorites are: "I wish googlemaps had an avoid ghetto routing option"(would have been especially helpful on my terrifying excursions to Detroit or Pontiac), "Whenever someone says "I'm not book smart, but I'm street smart", all I hear is "I'm not real smart, but I'm imaginary smart", and "How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear what they said?".
I have been compiling a list today of random thoughts I feel the internet world needs to ponder. Here goes:
1. While I understand the genius of inventing a toilet that flushes itself, there is nothing worse than one that forcefully sprays its automatic demon robot possessed self everywhere while you are still stuck in the bathroom stall
2. I hate having to pass strangers who are walking in the same direction I am. You can't simply walk a few feet behind them because you could be mistaken for a creepy stalker type. You absolutely can't walk next to them. You either have to fall behind a significant distance and attempt to keep at a slow pace or you must drastically increase your pace to pass them. Oh and you must keep your eye line rigidly on the horizon or on the ground as you pass them-NEVER turn your head to acknowledge them.
3. Every single class has the annoying kid who raises their hand to ask a question that makes them seem smarter. My favorite professors are those who completely destroy the kid with their response demonstrating to the rest of the class they won't stand for such obnoxious questioning.
4. Drawing from thought number three, I sometimes want to put my hand over the mouths of those students who argue with professors in a class of 100+ students about test questions. They have a Ph.D, wrote the test, and have all power to fail you-you don't even have your associates yet and obviously don't care that the rest of us want to learn something other than how unjust you feel a question was that everyone else understood . Shush.
5. Facebook is a most excellent tool for stalking without crossing an legal boundaries. When people tell me they don't stalk people on facebook, I know they are liars and I should never trust them with anything important.
6. I feel that Harry Potter nerds are more socially acceptable than Star Trek nerds. This is a bias, but very true fact.
7. My spelling abilities without the aid of T9 and spell check would make my third grade teacher cry. I feel these two things were invented to comfort all who sometimes ponder on the ridiculous conventions of English language. Related quote:
"I' before 'e' except after 'c' and when sounding like 'a' as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh' and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May and YOU'LL ALWAYS BE WRONG NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!!!!" Thank you Brian Regan
8. I wonder if the words for reproductive organs are so gross sounding because of what the word actually references or whether the word itself is unappealing to the auditory senses.
9. I have decided there was a nation wide club organized among parents in the 90's to help their children develop a solid character instead of relying wholly on looks to get through life. They achieved their club goal by cutting their children's hair in the ugliest way they would possibly imagine (please reference your elementary school pictures as proof: mullets, bangs, bowl cuts, excessive amounts of gel or hairspray, rat tails etc).
I am opting not to write a tenth thought to live true to the name of it being "random" thoughts instead of an even list of well organized processes. :)

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