Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm a Blonde-Ya, Ya, Ya

So a lot of people have been asking "Why?!"
Why did I go from this

To This

Reason One: The shock factor. I knew I was going to be seeing my family this last week and wanted to blow their socks off. It was either getting a huge "I Heart Mom" tattoo on my face or dying my hair a different color
Reason Two: Because I wanted to know if I could successfully pull of an alias for my future as an international, butt-kicking, full bodied spandex wearing spy 
Reason Three: Cause I freggin wanted to. I have always wondered what I would look like as a blonde. And a red head. And a neon green head. Blonde was simply the first one on the list. 
The responses have been varied. Here are a few of my favorites
"Wow, you look really different..."
"You looked ten times better as a brunette"
"Why would you EVER want to be a blonde?! No. Seriously. Why? Are you going to dye it back soon?"
" You know the dumb blonde jokes are never going to end for you now"
"But blondes aren't nearly as beautiful as brunettes!" (said in front of my blonde husband. Thanks a heap unnamed person)
"You used to be so pretty..."

All of these have really bolstered my confidence. Others have been kinder
"You have the skin tone to pull of both"
"So few people can look great both ways"
After my grandfather winked at me, "You look like a bodacious blonde babe" Yes, I felt slightly unsure on how to respond.
My favorite. From Sel "You are easily the most beautiful brunette and the most beautiful blonde I have ever seen. Too bad I prefer red-heads like Van Pelt from 'The Mentalist' " (Okay, so the red head part was my addition ;) 
Next big life change is either going to be the I Heart Mom face tattoo or shaving my head. Or both. Or just resulting to my animalistic nature as I did in this little treat for you


  1. I personally love the blonde. And I'm not just saying that for purposes of a kind blog comment. Its summer. Be a blonde. You look great! (this is Katie Wade btw.)

  2. You are a babe. Both ways. Let the haters hate- they're just jealous! :)And your grandfather is right.

  3. haha I love your reasons. I've always wanted to dye my hair, but been too scared to try it (I know, sadly that doesn't sound like I'd be good spy material). You look beautiful ALWAYS.
