Saturday, January 4, 2014

E.T.'s On It's Way

Cat's outta the bag now :) 
Sel and I will be parents in July!!! We are officially in the second trimester and excited as ever. 
First things first, this was planned (since some people have asked). We were lucky or blessed or whatever you want to call it to get pregnant right away. 
The first trimester was pretty darn good to me. I wasn't really sick or tired at all. I think having to go to work everyday and keeping up with exercise has been a HUGE help. 
Another HUGE help: Let's hear it for SEL!!! What a guy!
He has been absolutely incredible through all of this. While I haven't been sick, it's been a slight struggle to actually get myself to eat anything but fruit and simple carbs. 
Physically I have been great, but emotionally…not so great. It's getting better though. Again, Sel deserves a gold medal for being such a stellar husband in dealing with me. I love that kid. 
We went to the baby doctor on Thursday for the first time and it was incredible. The little thing was rolling around, waving it's arms and jumping up and down. I just cannot believe there is a HUMAN being inside of me. Or more of an alien based on the ultrasound pictures. My doctor's office does a 3D ultrasound anytime you go in and though I was so excited to see the little guy/gal, it certainly made for an ET-esque picture. Let's hope Sel is the father and not some extraterrestrial being. ;)
People's reactions have been all good, but the winner happened yesterday. I told a girl, a complete stranger, I was interviewing that I was pregnant and she actually started crying. She was SOOO happy for me and I just wasn't sure how to respond. She also asked me if I had been eating dairy or bread before getting pregnant. I was like, Um, What? She said she ate an entire bag of hot dog buns three days before she found out she was pregnant and she had boy. So…since I have had both diary and bread before getting pregnant, we might have a hermaphrodite on our hands. Though her gender theory is a bit out there, she's my new favorite person though for being so freaking excited for me and ET. 
Counting down until summer!
Our little alien

ET waving at us


  1. Love this!! So happy for you two! I bet your "little alien" will be such a cutie! ;)

  2. Yay! We think this is great, congratulations you guys.

  3. So sweet. You two will be the BEST parents :)
