Sunday, September 11, 2016

Lyra Rose 3 months

Time is going by so quickly! Lyra gets cuter every day and her cheeks get more luscious. Let's talk about those cheeks. Rowan got a little chunky, but nothing like Lyra. I just want to munch on her cheeks alllll day. She's perfectly squishy and delicious. I'm not sure her current weight, but she sure isn't light. We get comments the most about the cheeks, followed by disbelief that she's as young as she is when she looks so substantial. She's stretching out of her 6 month clothes already 😭 I dont know why, but I assumed she would follow a more average growth trend than her brother did. Dumb. Now most of her seasonal clothes don't match up with her ever growing baby bod. Bless the beauties who donated clothes to the Lyra Rose foundation so she has some stylish options 
She's sweet as can be. Row always had to be held looking out at the world, whereas she is content to be carried around snuggled up against me😍 She has the most adorable smile and her laugh is hysterical. It's like a breathy giggle. She cries and laughs with pauses between each. Laugh. Silence. Laugh.
Lyra cries very rarely. She's still such a happy thing. When she does cry, it's frightening. Like I said, she'll be silent for a few seconds then start screaming. Right when you think it's done, the loudest is yet to come. Rowan dropped a shampoo bottle on her the other night, which understandably made her cry. She did her momentary stop then screamed again right when he was bending over giving her an apology hug. It surprised Row so badly that he started crying and yelled in her face, which led to a cascade of screaming at one another through angry tears. It was great. We haven't had too many moments like those but I have a feeling yelling at one another will only increase in frequency over the years. Or maybe we will hit the sibling jackpot and they will never, ever fight. 
She is still a beautiful sleeper. She almost always logs 8+ hours (8pm-4am), but does a solid 10 most nights. The only hiccup is that she is done, done done for the day around 8:00pm. She simply cannot make it any later. It makes it tricky with bedtime because that's usually when I am trying to wrangle Row into pajamas and attempting to read him a bedtime story. Bless Sel for being the best husband/dad ever. He usually takes over after bathtime so I can nurse Lyra to bed. I feel really blessed we've had our kids when we have during med school. The summer between year 1 and 2 was perfect to have Sel around with Row and 4th year has lent us his helping hands more than we would have any other year.

I love nicknames. It's another form of love language for me to give someone a nickname. I know some people hate them, but I can't help it. Lyra is commonly known as Ly Ly around here or Little L (which used to be my nickname around my grandma L). It's so cute to hear Rowan call her LyLy. 
She strong. Rowan was too, but she's already ahead of where he was. She can hold her head up really well and can roll from tummy to back and is scary close to turning from back to tummy. She likes to sleep with her head to the side which I think is giving her an advantage that way. I am just so far from ready for her to think about any movement past what she does right now. Why can't they just stay squishy and immobile for awhile? We are so in trouble when s

People always ask where we got her name. We usually say it's a constellation, which is true. There is a bit more to the story which she might hate me for somewhere down the road. When I was an HP fanatic(when my 12-year-old self whole heartedly belived Hogwarts was real) I realized JK had pulled a lot of names from constellations (Sirius, Draco, etc). I wrote in a character to the series who was everything I wish I was. I found the constellation Lyra and decided it was perfect for my character. I get a little weird talking about it because it takes geeky to the whole next level (though liking HP is actually cool since all things nerdy are now awesome by today's standards). It makes me happy thinking my daughter is already better in every way than my character is. Rose was my great-grandma's name who was beautiful, smart (one of the very few woman of her generation to get a college degree), loving, and faithful. A little bit more than people care to hear when they ask about her name, so constellation it is. 
She loves to have her head rubbed while she nurses still. It's my favorite. Her eyes roll back and she acts like nothing in the whole world could be better than having her fuzzy head rubbed. She is extra tender when she's nursing. She HAS to be touching me. She will stroke my chest or hand, but especially loves holding onto one of my fingers. She's the definition of precious 
Watching TV with Row
I love this little girl so very much! I had a moment the other day on the outdoor track remembering a phone call to OB. I was 39 weeks and hadn't felt her move for a long time. While walking around the track trying to get her to move, I started crying thinking about losing her. She was obviously totally fine, but I realized then and even more so now how desperately I needed her in my life. I remember being such an idiot and worrying about whether I would love her as much as Rowan (pretty common parent fear for a second). I love her just as much as I love her big bro.  It's like Sel's grandma has said, "each baby comes with their own love". 
Here's to another month of Lyra love! 

She loves to be carried around like this

Swinging in one of my outfits from infancy. She makes it look way better than I did. 

Ugh I thought she might like a change of pace than the usual stroller. Rowan then insisted on riding in the stroller instead of riding his bike. After fifteen minutes of changing everything up, Rowan decided he would rather run. That skirt is my favorite of all time though


Holding hands during our bedtime story 

At the Fulton County Fair with Papa. He's a baby pro

She loves eating her fingers and sometimes will gag herself with them

All the little kids at the gym daycare thought she was a baby doll and asked to play with her. I think it's the dress because it is SO cute! It's an 18-month one we inherited from a friend. I know she'll slim out as she gets older and can hopefully wear it again. 

She loved the Halloween outfit Grandma DeeDee sent her

I needed somewhere to set her after Row ran into this dumb balance beam at the park that he ALWAYS runs into. She did awesome at holding herself up and loved the swing. 

1 comment:

  1. She is so scrumptious! I love her and I'm glad you're enjoying her so much :)
