Friday, September 2, 2016

BBG/Treat Streak

I was supposed to take a "sweaty selfie" after my workout, but was rushed to get a shower at the gym in before we went to a playdate so I uploaded a showered nursing pic instead. 

16 DAYS! I've made it 16 days and only had three tiny, questionable breaks to my streak. I licked the frosting off of my finger from a piece of cake I gave to Rowan, one solitary rolo from a friend, and a very small piece of zucchini bread. I know that sounds a little crazy to care about and I really don't which is why I've decided to not count them as having broken my successful days in a row.  The true test of my newly found self-control came in resisting treats at a church event (which there are always delicious things there) and in refusing a free Baskin Robbins ice-cream cone. I didn't feel deprived, just relived I already knew the answer to the question of whether I would eat those things or how much of those things I would eat. I still feel like I need to clean up other parts of my diet, but I feel like I have a healthy mindset at least. Sel and I decided that we can earn a treat token every 30 days of clean eating and have a splurge. We are going to Philly in a few weeks to visit our bro and sis-in-law who introduced us to the best donuts in the entire universe. I kid you not, these donuts are from another world. So you know I'll be getting on one of those babies. I feel better since we started doing this. I finally feel confident in my ability to have control over my eating and my life. It doesn't feel like we are doing something extreme that I won't be able to maintain. I just feel accomplished and grateful.
I'd seen a few friends of mine talking about Bikini Body Guide and how much they loved it. I was a little skeptical because I am of essentially everything. I tried to read about it online, but not much was there unless you bought the Ebook. Luckily I found a free 7-day trial and I LOVE it! I get it now. BBG is amazing! I've only had it on my phone since Thursday and I feel like I can already tell a difference.
The first day I decided to do a LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) workout plus the ab workout. The creator of BBG outlines a workout a day instead of doubling up. I was an idiot. I was DYING during the ab workout. I could barely finish the last circuit, but I did it! It feels so empowering. As I mentioned, I hesitated to buy this because I felt I could do it on my own. We've been able to go back to the gym recently which is a gigantic help, but this program pushes me way past what I would on my own. I did the HIIT workout today (High Intensity Interval Training) and I would have probably stopped halfway through on my own and considered it a decent workout.
My one thing I don't love is the meal plan. She's Australian so everything is written in the metric system and she recommends eating a lot of tuna. yuuuck. I love salads and have been downing them daily lately.
Besides the workouts (which I already adore) I really love the mentality Kayla pushes. You measure your progress primarily by taking pictures every four weeks instead of just relying on the scale. There is a big community of women who all support and cheer on one another. It feels real opposed to some of the other shallow, superficial views of health out there.

This was brussel sprouts, cabbage, kale, carrots and some cashews. I made a dressing with ginger, lemon and oil. It took both Sel and I a hundred years to eat it. 

I have been eating this salad for four days in a row. I crave it right now like no other. I couldn't even wait to take a dumb picture of it before I started in on it. 

HOLLA! Sixteen days!

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