Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Rowan 4.5

Man, this boy is a sweet one. The other day, I was telling Lyra she was sweet and she said "No! Rowan is sweet" (She has yet to consent in any form that she is sweet despite certainly being so). 
He is just so tender and loving. It almost makes me cry when I think about how much I love his wonderful little self. 
He says at least ten times a day how much he loves me or Sel or Lyra. He loves to proclaim it at random times and random places. Occasionally, Rowan uses it as a tactic to delay bedtime knowing it's hard to get upset at a little boy who "just needed to say I love you one more time". 

Rowan is a perfect little square for his size. 42 pounds and 42 inches (85% for weight and height). It seems appropriate since Rowan is very particular about having things match and be in their proper order. He's pretty thrilled that another boy will be joining the family so he can "match boys". He is growing so much physically. I can hardly keep shoes on the kid and it bothers him so much. Rowan likes a certain order to his life (like most of us) and hates when shoes that he wears everyday all of a sudden don't fit. I have to secretly hide the ones he's outgrown or he loses his mind and tries to stuff those monstrous feet of his into his old shoes. 

Things Rowan loves: eating his packed lunch at school and finishing it before his best friend, video games of all kinds, chocolate, water books, mazes and puzzles, I-spy books, Hidden Pictures, and Where's Waldo (we have to read one every single night), bell peppers (he recently told me this is his favorite vegetable because it has crispy water in it), being obedient and praised for it, helping with things and feeling helpful. I am impressed daily with how obedient he is. He has his days where he is extra tired, hungry or whatever and struggles, but for the most part, he is a really good listener. Rowan talks in extensive detail about things which can make it hard for him to get everything out that he wants to or makes it hard for people to stay focused enough to get to the end of his drawn out explanation. WOW! The imagination on this kid too. He could go on endlessly about made-up fights and battles and all sorts of made-up creatures who are "bad guys". He loves his teacher, his friends at school, and board games. Rowan loves spiking his hair recently because a girl in his class told him it was cool. Rowan is a snow addict. He could play out there until he got frostbite and not care at all. He's always been an outside lover and the cold weather hasn't changed that for him. He's really into writing his own name lately, figuring out addition, and what words rhyme. Rowan still astounds me with his physical abilities and is a natural born athlete. He has transitioned beautifully to the Come, Follow Me program. His favorite part of the day is "FHE" because we try to do a little something for it everyday. I think he just really thrives on the family togetherness time, the spirit it brings, and the promise of an activity together each time we do it. He has memorized a few scriptures so far this year and is SO ready to tell them to you. We try and learn some on the way to preschool every morning and he only ever wants to say the ones he already has memorized instead of learning new ones. 

Things Rowan Hates: He says he doesn't like going to school, but is happy pretty much everyday after school, he hates when Lyra grabs pieces of a board game he is playing, he despises being sticky, wet or messy. He refuses to eat soup because it makes him too messy (sigh, it's only the favorite meal of 1/2 of our family), losing games, having to wash his hands, being bad at anything. If he can't master it the first time, it's really hard to convince him he might still like it with practice. He played basketball this last season and didn't want to go back after his first game because he couldn't dribble very well. Luckily, he got talked in to going back and improved like we told him he would. 

The thing most special to me about Rowan is how inherently good he is. I haven't had to do much to teach him how to share, how to be gentle and sweet with his sister, how to be as incredibly thoughtful as he is, or how to be so discerning of other people's emotions. He just came as this incredible little person who I want to be like. He captures for me what Christ meant when he said "be ye like a little child".
He loves matching his dad

Leading his sister in breakfast shenanigans 

Hiking with Papa

He loved climbing to THE very top of all this jungle gyms by my parents house

Rowan told me I was a liar when I took them to frozen yogurt  because he said it was ice-cream 

The boy who could live outside 

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