Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I am thinking of renaming my blog "Tips On How To Make Your Life More Complicated" orToHoMY MC"

Tip Number One: Be forgetful. Life is much easier for the mindful human being. Do you ever find yourself wishing you were stressed about leaving your personal belongings in places they didn't belong? If yes, you are already one step closer to a more complicated life.

Tip Number Two: Be uncommonly clumsy. This includes, but is not limited to: knocking irreplaceable objects over, vacuuming up your husband's i-phone charger and causing the vacuum's soul to catch fire, hitting classmates with your overstuffed backpack, and falling over at inopportune times.

Tip Number Three: Manage Your Time Poorly. This will ensure your already lengthy list of homework due dates, exercising, projects, lesson plans, assignments that need grading, and home organization will become massively longer and complicate your life in a way you have only dreamed of.

Don't think these tips will work for you? Well, that is why I am going to provide a true story about a reader who took this advice to heart.

Reader (Not a paid internet actress): "I had tried time and time again to make my life more complicated without success. I was becoming discouraged by how easily it was for me to be successful in school, my job, my physical fitness, and my life in general. Then I found these three keys to making my life more complicated. Take Sunday night for example. My handsome husband and my talented cousin and I were driving jollily back to P-town after a wonderful family dinner in the Riv. We noticed the fateful gas light flashing to inform us we had 0 miles left (other than the 20 miles left in reserve). I told my husband to pull over at the nearest exit so we could fill up. When we got to the gas station, I noticed my wallet was not in the car. The wallet containing the only source of money my husband and I currently had. I had applied Tip Number One to my life in this instance and been forgetful in leaving my purse in our second car (currently in the Riv waiting to be repaired). I had also utilized Tip Number One the day before by leaving the car keys/house keys in the lock all night long. My husband and I rounded up enough change to pay for $1.68 of gas aka not even half a gallon. This made our lives wonderfully complex. We were partially saved from destitution by an angelic being known as the Mugster who drove all the way from the Riv to P-town at 10PM at night to return the wallet I successfully forgot. The really remarkable part of my success was also achieved by leaving my phone on the back seat. I utilized Tip Number Three by then managing my time poorly for four days to ensure I could not retrieve said phone and car which, again, increased the complexity in my life. I would absolutely recommend these Three Steps to anyone hoping to make their life laughably complex.
I have one more announcement to announce that diverges from "The Three Steps to Life Complication" I am going to show exclusive pictures here, on this blog, sometime in the next few weeks of...HOGSMEADE. You heard me. Sel and I were both accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on August 12, 2011 and got to go to Hogsmeade for a weekend. Hold on to your broomsticks.
Also, Sel is the handsomest man in the universe (Please Refer to Image Below For Proof)

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