Friday, September 23, 2011

The Von Trapp's Musical Baby-Sitter

(The Von Trapp's musical baby-sitter and I being excited about our recent visit to a French bakery)

My mom is the best phone conversationist I know. She also excels in how to deliver important news via text message. This was her latest text to me was

"Uncle Norman died this morning"
Which I read while eating breakfast with Sel. Notice please how she breaks the news gently, explains in great detail what happened, and offers words of comfort and consolation.

One of my favorite phone conversations recently went a bit like this.

L: Hi Mom! How are you?!
Ma: Child. You give me migraines.
L: How do I give you migraines?
Ma: I just read your last blog post and I think I developed an ulcer or two by the end of it. How are you and Sel going to survive in the real world?
L: Mom. We are in the real world.
Ma: Provo is not the real world. In the real world, your car would get stolen if you left the keys in your front door.
L: Valid.
Ma: You worry me so much
L: I worry you in a cute way, right?
Ma: No! There is nothing cute about it.
L: What about in an awesome way
Ma: No! Not in an awesome way.
L: I am a survivor mom. I have made it this far haven't I?
Ma: (sigh). Yes. Who knows when your luck is going to run out...

Gotta love the words of confidence and comfort from my love struck Puerto Rican mother. I do have to hand it to her though. It would be pretty migraine producing to have a child like me to worry about. That is precisely why they recently replaced me with a perfect sounding child from the Ukraine. :)

In other news, I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNT!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! The worst part is that my new sister and brother (Joy & Roy) live in Ohio. Did you notice how Ohio is not within ten minutes of Provo? Do you know what this means? I am going to have to spoil their adorable, chubby cheeked baby from afar. :( That is why they are planning on moving to Provo in January after the baby is born. Roy and Joy are going to transfer to Hogwarts with Sel and I :) Who needs medical school when you know magic? Right? Right? Here is a picture of them being cute. Now just imagine a bouncing ball of joy lovingly smooshed between them in this picture. Now imagine me holding the bouncing ball of joy while being sandwiched by Joy & Roy. That, my friends, would be a blue ribbon type of picture.

* Dear Mom, I love you.


  1. We are waiting for you guys to MOVE HERE, finish your time at Hogwarts so you can come join us at the Healer's school for accomplished witches and wizards. Although I have to admit I don't have my 7 year diploma from Hogwarts that's why I am taking classes here. I'm just lucky I was able to NEWT test out of a year! Haha love the post very fun :) Oh yeah and David learned what a bezoar was yesterday (no joke). It's not just for conteracting poisons.

  2. You guys are so cute! I think your mom may be one of the coolest people I have never met.
