Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Welsh Irishman's Holiday

St. Patrick's Day is one of the supreme deities in terms of holidays. It is the one holiday where wearing obscene amounts of green is not only permitted, but mandatory in order to avoid being pinched. I started off this holy holiday by running the Rex Lee 5K with none other than Ohio(one of the coolest girls you shall ever meet. Don't bother asking me her real name. Her publicist made me sign a contract to never reveal it so she wouldn't acquire countless stalkers who would restrict her and her husband's busy lives) Ohio and I both, unplanned, rocked some bright green eye shadow for the race which was ideal for our award ceremony (we tied for first in the 5K and 10K actually).
St. Patty's also involved Sel's traditional meal of green spaghetti (in this case linguini) along with a cucumber & avocado salad, nasty looking, yet delicious green strawberry lemonade, and green banana cream pudding with sprinkles of course.

We then invited a banjo playing leprechaun, Pam, (who made his debut here ) and his charming friend, Disney.
Pam and Sel have had an ongoing joke about how Game Hen sounds a lot like Gay Men. While Sel and I were holding up Winco the other day, we saw some adorable game hens that we just knew Pam would want to eat up possibly with green food items.

The game hen that spewed out green mashed potatoes

(Green Bread with green honey & butter)
The eating party

After some Irish jigs, Disney & Pam gave said beannacht and left Sel and I to our plotting.

(Sel & I's a beautiful thing as our faces so indicate)

We plotted to find a suitable place to bury our pot of gold. So I dressed up in our leprechaun gear and we headed out to follow the rainbow. We pretty much walked to our different friends houses, rang the door bell, threw rainbow confetti at their face, and ran away while leaving some green colored bread as a memoir of their new favorite holiday experience.

Happy St. Patrick's Day All!

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