Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Car Serial Killer

Guys, today has been awesome in a not so awesome way. If you have been reading this blog/know me at all, you know I am a technology repellent. I guess my technology killing skills extend past typical electronics and have aimed to cover all bases including cars. Lemme tell you what has been happneing with our cars lately,

1. The Batmobile has a lousy tire and we have to fill it up at the gas station every other day
2. The Batmobile is beginnig to rust from the time it ran into a cement pole two summers ago
3. Old Yeller's transmission went out a few months ago and Sel and I are acting like it is driveable by prentending it is a stick shift
4. The same week Yeller's transmission high tailed it outta here, the windsheild encounter a tiny rock. Instead of leaving a mild dent, the satanic rock caused the windsheild to crack from one end to the next over the next 24 hours.
5. Today, Yeller's exhaust pipe decided it really didn't like Yeller anymore and tried to escape on my way to work.

I felt like this Asian lady with a cell phone from the early 90's, except less well dressed and less amazing because I am sadly not Asian.
I am ALL about switching to purely biking, but turns out biking to your job dressed in semi-fancy business clothes in the dead of a Utah winter does not turn out all that well. I guess we can thank the powers that be that this pile of car wonderfulness is coming at a time that we have sufficient funds to cover the fix-up costs. Now we just have to make our cars take turns going to the repair shops this week. Rock, Paper, Spock to see who goes first.

One last thing, I acknowledge how ridiculous my mild complaining would come to some in the world who don't have the funds to have one car, let alone two. Some don't even have enough for a bike. So, I am grateful to have been so abundantly blessed with these two cars. I really, really am even if I don't act like I am right now. Promise.

If you see a fallen exhaust pipe in P-town, call me up. It is probably ours.  

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