Saturday, August 10, 2013

Beginning Year Three

I can hardly believe how much has happened in year two. We started year two eating dinner at the Melting Pot in SLC. I had just graduated and accepted a job with State Farm and Sel had just finished his secondary’s for medical school. We spent the evening reviewing year one and dreaming about all the changes and possibilities bound to come in year two. I doubt we knew how much year two would change us, how much we would grow up. We start year three having accomplished so much of what we talked about one year ago. Sel graduated from BYU, we moved across the country, Sel has been accepted to medical school, I am a supervisor with Kelly, and we just bought our first home. Whew, amazing that all of those things can fit in one simple sentence despite the 365 days of anxious waiting and effort that it took to be able to write those few small words. I never would have believed you if you told me the anxious waiting would be something I would treasure someday. I would look back on year two and recognize how precious it was for our relationship. I have a new perspective on fairly tales. The sweetest part of the happily ever after, is the “after”. It’s the tears and years and the efforts to keep it happy that make it fairy tale worthy. It’s the companionship and reliance and trust that is built through the day to day I never could have imagined loving Sel even more than I did before we went through this year of change. I couldn’t have imagined I would look at the beautiful lines of his face and my heart would be filled with even more awe and pride in the man that he is. He is the best part of myself and always will be. Here is to another year of falling even more in love with the incredible man who I am blessed to call husband.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't hear about your house!I would love to see a picture!
