Friday, June 18, 2010

The Beginning of the Royal Announcements

I am currently torn about commencing this blog. Firstly, I hate the word blog in general. It is simply devoid of any audiotry appeal. Bah-log. Second, I have always mocked those who willingly display all their inner thoughts and feelings on the internet with the expectation all computer users will avidly follow every detail of said persons life. One might wonder at this point why, with my current inhibitions, I would succumb to starting a blog. Boredem is a dominating factor and I am also doing this to save my family and friends from having to listen to me for hours on end. The desperate need for a communication outlet was so vivdly displayed last night. I had the opportunity to go with my lovely roommates to "The Wedding Singer" at West Valley Hale to see one of our roommates perform her talented litte heart out. I attempted to dominate every conversation by telling supremely random and useless tidbits about my dull life and felt like putting duct tape over my mouth by the end of the night. I usually talk a lot and mostly about random stuff, but this summer calls for desperate measures. I am living with my aunt, uncle, a cousin who thinks I "crimp his style" and Zoe, the morbidly obese dog who tries to eat all my food and poisons the air within a ten mile radius when she passes gas. My other cousin, one of my best friends in the world, moved to Idaho today for the next two months which is another vital reason to find other resources of expression.
Interesting thoughts intenteded to salvage the lengthy explaination above: Today I watched an advisory committe for flibanserin. This drug is intended to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premneopausal women. When I first looked at the presentation docket, I wondered if there was a condition known as hyperactive sexual desire disorder. As embarrassing as stating you have no sexual desire could be, I tried to imagine going into my doctor's office and telling him/her about what a sex fiend I was and if there was treatment for that. The second thought provoking item was the sponsor presentor was a sexologist. Sexology is apparently the scientific study of sexual interests, behavior, and function and a valid profession. I wonder if BYU offers sexology as a major. If not, I am sure they at least offer it as a minor. Books to check out for the semester: Kama Sutra, Reproductive Anatomy, Pedophilia 101,...oh the possbilities. I am immensely looking forward to the day someone introduces themselves to me as a sexology major.
So it begins. The random declarations of a king :)

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