Monday, June 21, 2010

One Year Later

This weekend marked a year since my old roommate Cindy got married. By chance, all of my lovely roommates were together again at this same time one year later. On Thursday we went to Bron's hilarious show and caught up at dinner afterward. I missed out on Friday :( cause I had a date, but they went wedding dress and ring shopping with Sarah. The date was really fun, though of course, my apparently awkward comments helped make it particularly interesting. For example, as we were eating a tasty chicken dish at Applebee's, my date said, "You haven't said much about your parents". My really suave and appropriate self replied with, "Well, that is because they were murdered by Ted Bundy when I was five". I attempted to laugh as quickly as possible after saying this to indicate it was a joke, but my poor date didn't think it was quite as funny as I did. When I told my parents this afterward, they also didn't think it was funny and reiterated their opinion that I have a sometimes off-color humor. I am disregarding their opinion in favor of believing that I am actually quite hilarious and mostly appropriate. Saturday D, Lys and I went swimming and had ourselves a successful little barbeque that night with B-Hobbs, Brian and Sarah. At the end of the night, I hugged my beautiful Lys goodbye and drove back to the Riv. Sunday was spent enjoying the blessings of going to church and spending time with the family for Father's Day. It made me miss my dad terribly, but I was grateful to be in the company of my second favorite family, the Milks. Mugs and I went to Provo that night to visit some of her mission friends and my desire to marry a non-white man was most adamantly enforced as I met her half Venezuelan half Italian friend Carlo. People with brown skin are just beautiful and posses a level of being sexy I will never achieve. Therefore, I must marry a brown person so my poor kids will at least have some chance of being attractive. With all the wonderful things that happened this weekend, I felt it paled in comparison to the one exactly a year ago. One of my best friends is in love just like last summer. I was around four of my favorite people in the world just like last summer. The weather was pretty much identical to last summer. It just wasn't the same though. This whole summer feels eerily like a watercolor of the previous neon streaked dream I experienced a year ago. I love this summer so far, I really do. My job is fantastic, my family is beyond wonderful, my adventures so far have been fun and fulfilling, but it just isn't the same. I miss people :( mom, dad, Sarah, mission friends...I hope I am able to turn this summer back into a brighter, more colorful experience soon and stop drifting back to compare the past to the present.


  1. SERIOUSLY, I love you! You need to take a road trip to So Cal before you go back to school! Have you considered at all that you are missing having a honey this summer? Hang in there babe!

  2. I absolutely love your creative writing style. I could read your ramblings forever and not get bored! I am in favor of the blog.
