Monday, November 14, 2011

Points for Normalcy

(look at how normal and boring we are. Sometimes I wonder how we live with ourselves)

I haven't done one of these in a while. It is called a non-disastor/calamity/awkward encounter blog post. Weird. I know. Sometimes my life is normal for a stretch which tends to leave me paranoid and waiting for the next black cloud storm.
Things have been blissful, but busy. Pretty much ask any human in America, even homeless Tom who sits by the mental hospital 24/7, and they will report their life being busy. I guess another point for normalcy goes to Sel and I for falling into the category 100% of Americans do. Want to hear the fun things we get to do in a week?

1. Go to school. This, contrary to what I might have reported in the past and will likely report tomorrow, is fun. Except for Exercise Physiology. Exercise Physiology blows and I still detest going there four times a week. Luckily, this seems to be a similar consensus among my peers after our last test (which, amazingly, was even more ambiguous and poorly constructed than the last)
2. Volunteer at Head Start. Easily the BEST 3 hours of my entire week (and Sel's). Pretty much we get to play with pre-schoolers, read stories with them, and eat snacks. When I leave Head start, however, I have difficulty going back to grown-up life where your teachers no longer feed you treats and your friends don't jump up and down and run to hug your legs when they see you. Think it's too late to change my major to early childhood education?
3. Utah State Mental Hospital. Sel sadly does not get to do this one with me. Instead he is volunteering through a hospice center (along with working in a bilayer lab cause he is fantastic like that). There are so many blessed stories from my time here, but I am still not sure what exactly I am allowed to talk about. I shadow an occupational therapist who runs a group of 4 patients. On Wednesdays we spend three hours cooking with them, doing crafts, and other OTish stuff. I have learned the art of keeping my back to the wall unless one of the patients decides my back looks like one of those cat claw sharpening boards. After the patients return to their units, I get to be grilled by the OT to see if I observed anything and whether I hold any potential of succeeding in grad school. On Fridays (my favorite) we go on van rides. My job= making sure they don't take anything from the bathrooms they could try and kill themselves (or others) with. My parents and their blessed talent for using the same joke over and over again love to say "What?! They let you out again?!" Every. Single. Time I call them after I leave the hospital. Sometimes I don't have to wonder too long on why no on laughs at my jokes. Anyway, learning A LOT and pondering on possibly (if I take a few more self defense classes) on doing one of my 12 week observations for OT school at a mental hospital.
4. T.A. Still love my job. A lot.
5. Nerf Battles with Sel. He's winning right now...:/
6. Plotting Ways To Beat Sel in Nerf Battles.

Reading over this even made me bored, BUT I am waiting for Sel to finish doing homework right now after having finished all of mine. Do you think I should throw a battle axe at him or go for the glow in the dark dart gun?


  1. So why are you working at the mental hospital again? I feel like I might have missed something there. Does working there involve the physical therapy stuff a lot? Shows how much I know, huh :S Don't feel bad our life has been lame like this lately too, it's just a pre-Holiday lull haha it will ALL pick up trust me. Love you guys!

  2. I am working there for OT hours. We have to get 40 hours of observation of an OT before we can apply to grad school. Lame life is sometimes the best of life though :) Love you guys more!!!

  3. My advice on CQB (nerf or otherwise):
    1 - Attack from behind
    2 - Attack from the side
    3 - Attack from the other side
    4 - Attack while your opponent is sleeping
    5 - Attack while your opponent is eating
    6 - Attack while your opponent is pooping, but not peeing
