Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sel: The Spider Slaying Sniper

It has almost been four months since I became Mrs. Sel. I feel like time is speeding by at an alarming rate and can hardly believe it has already been four blissful months. I have decided to brag about Sel here and how absolutely amazing he is. If you don’t want to turn green with envy (this phrase has never made any sense to me considering I have never, ever heard of a physiological response eliciting green coloring-other than maybe the moment right before someone vomits-which I guess one might do if they were envious…), I would suggest you not read this.
Every single morning I get to walk up to Sel’s smiling, perfect face. We usually end up slamming the snooze button three or four times because A. Our apartment is freezing in the mornings B. We are exhausted C. We frankly just like to cuddle under our toasty covers D. I keep hoping that if we stay in bed long enough, a house elf will appear with two steaming plates of breakfast.
Sel is a fabulous cook and is constantly preparing delicious meals for me J One of our favorite things to do is invent new meals together. Sel’s favorite thing we have ever made was a big, fat vat of chili. (Sel actually didn’t make this. It was all me. Which explains why it was a total disaster and we took dead last for the chili cook off…whoops)
Sel slays spiders on a regular basis for me. Our house has an abnormal amount of spiders who are under the impression we are kind, welcoming Bed & Breakfast owners opposed to vengeful, merciless spider snipers.

Sel is not a normal human. I have been reading a few books about marriage in an attempt to avoid studying for finals and have been initiated into the marriagehood club, which means I get to hear random stories about other people’s marriages. What I have concluded from all of these is that Sel is truly exceptional. There seems to be a divide in a lot of instances of what tasks are designated for a husband and a wife, yet Sel ignores these in favor of doing everything together. In fact, he and I both wrote up all of our 250 thank you cards this weekend. While I am sure there are some husbands out there who helped with thank you cards, I haven’t heard of a single one yet.

Seeing Sel after a long day of school, work, volunteering and such is the happiest sight in the world. He just beams at me like I am the best thing he has ever seen and will exclaim for at least ten minutes, “I love you! You make me so happy! I missed you!” while enveloping me in huge bear hugs.

He gives me at least ten sincere compliments every single day and gets giddy when he buys me presents. Want to hear the supreme amazing thing he did that will forever go down in the history of manhood? Sel did the full out Black Friday. Sel is extremely and wonderfully spending conscious which is a perfect balance for us because I sometimes go a little excessive in buying presents for people. He toughed it out as we spent plenty of money on our loved onesJ We left the house with D^2 at 11:30PM, returned to the house briefly at 3:30AM, unfortunately fell asleep for a bit in which Sel had to wake me up. Despite me practically spitting venom at him (and poor Brian) because I A. despise shopping, B. think 5AM is Satan’s hour, C. was soooo tired, D. really, really detest shopping, he sweetly and patiently carried me upstairs to the car to shop from the early hours of the morning until 10:45AM. You heard that correctly. My sweet husband shopped for other people for nearly 12 straight hours. Sel was then the one later that day to suggest we wrap all of the presents together. Sel = the best husband in the whole universe. Look at all this mush on one page. Isn’t it awesome ?! It is! Because Sel is awesome and life is awesome and whoever just read this is awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Only thing I can say about this post: <3

    So glad marriage is treating you well! It get's even better as time goes on!!
