Saturday, April 14, 2012


I am so depressed to say this, but today was the last day of our sculpting class. I haven't talked much about it on here, but this has been a life changing class for me. We almost dropped it the first day because we were positive I was going to accidentally kill everyone. Guess what though?! I survived! Sel and I both got our fair share of bruises, cuts, burns and so forth, but we still have all our appendages. Please applaud now. I know you are thinking you don't actually have to applaud, but I am serious. Do it. Now. No, seriously....Thank you :)

This was our conceptual art project on the feeling of hopelessness. Sounds cheery, no? Sel got to shoot people in the head with a nerf gun. This was also his favorite class of the semester ;)
Kit so kindly volunteered to be shot in the head
Sel cutting our rocks up

I was the lucky one who got the beautiful red one. Sel's was gorgeous also and as you can see below, his talent far outshines my own:)
Our first project was sculpting five pieces in wax. We presented them and picked one to cast in bronze. Here are some that we decided not to cast.
Sel's piece of us :O
Mine of us
This was my favorite piece, conceptually and structurally, but it would have been really difficult to cast.
This is Sel's piece that he decided to cast. The two batteries that keep him functioning, sleep and food.
My piece I decided to cast
Pouring molten hot bronze. Ask me if I felt amazingly cool doing this

Sel forging his steel piece
This was Sel's favorite piece to do :) As soon as we bought these Sel got to work popping their heads off. I love that my sweet husband will never let go of his adorable little boy self :)
I wish I could actually express how much this class meant to me. How it reached inside of me and pulled my soul out so I could finally see it. I will miss this new found part of me, but am so happy for the one in a lifetime chance Sel and I had to do this .

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like an awesome class! I'm glad you two had so much fun
