Friday, September 14, 2012

Zombies with 80's Hair Dos and Other Good News

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! That is not even half of the excitement that is going on around here. Sel finished his secondary applications for medical school in July and we have been anxiously waiting to hear back from the 18 schools he applied to. We heard “um, No” back from three schools which made me want to punch them all in the face and made Sel throw pillows at the wall and “Hate everything in the world!"
On Monday while we were preparing dinner and talking about we always talk about: Girls that wear colored pants, nerf, dragons, and medical school applications, I told Sel I had a really good feeling about this week in terms of hearing something positive finally from one of those Dengus medical schools. Sel said it would be funny if we heard “um, No” this week from ALL the schools we applied to and then whenever I ‘”had a good feeling” about something from now on we would prepare ourselves for nuclear warfare, zombies, or the resurgence of 80’s hair dos.
(So, so sexy.)
Turns out a woman’s (ahem), THIS woman’s intuition is on freaking FIRE!! Sel found out this morning he has an interview with The Ohio State (can you believe the “the” is part of their legal name?) Medical School in November!!! Nobody I know would be a better physician than Sel! Seriously, no one.  Couple his natural brilliance with his love of learning and peeps and you have a Business Majoring, German Minoring, Future Doc. What a guy, eh? We are just a little tinsy bit EXCITED over here! Feel free to celebrate this day in whatever capacity you desire cause we sure are going to celebrate. Probably by listening to Rebecca’s One Hit Wonder “It’s Friday” over and over again on our road trip to St. George tomorrow J

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATS!!!! So EXCITED for you guys!! How GREAT would that be if you guys were in OHIO?!?!?!
