I really don't know why I get to be so blessed. Not only do I have the best family in the world, but also the best friends in the world AND they are completely interchangable. For example, today is my cousin's birthday who also happens to be one of my very best friends. She is the big 2-7 and dang proud about it too. This girl has been with me through everything! Getting stuffed into fluffy halloween costumes as youngins, fishing and camping with our families for years on end, crazy family reunions, the awkward, chubby pre-teen stages we both pretend didn't happen, Disneyland trips, break ups, freak outs, and everything in between. I try and think what my life would be like without her and it straight up sucks...cause in that scenario I end up in a mental institution because she keeps me sane when I am trying my hardest to be crazy. Whelp, here you go cuz! I hope 27 is the best year of your entire life thus far. Love you TONS!!!!
1. You are the most organized human I have ever met which makes any space you get your hands on a better, happier, cleaner place.
2. You are so beautiful! You have all the natural aspects of beauty, but you also know how to emphasize them
Someday we too will have crazy lawn art like Grams |
3. You don’t do anything half way. You either love something or you hate it. Which, if you think about it, is awesome because it makes life a lot easier if you can be decisive and know what you really want.
4. You are loud and I love it. I love going with you places and having everyone stare at the loud, laughing girls in the corner
5. You love to laugh. This world needs more laughter and you are always ready to share some. Your humor and love of all things humorous (Psych, Pitch Perfect, you name it) makes you such a fun person to be around
6. You are uncommonly kind. You go out of your way to show those you love just how much you love them
7. Your spirituality and willingness to serve is breathtaking. I will never, ever, until the day I die forget the day you called me to tell me how you and the rest of the family had fasted that day for me. It was one of the sweetest and most powerful answers to my prayers I have ever experienced.
Remember how you always look cute and I always end up perpetually in the Chrome Dome |
8. You are such a solid friend to me and all your other ones. As I said, you either love something or you hate it. And when you love something or someone, you are so strictly loyal and loving to them. How lucky for me that I get to have you as a friend forever J
9. You love, love, love to help people. You are never short of advice and you are great at giving it. I can remember so many instances (as in yesterday) where you put on your expert hat and share what you know.
10. You are such a good validator. Whenever I am having an awful day or am frustrated about something that we both know is ridiculous, you still validate my feelings. I seriously don’t know what I would do without you some days.
11. You have got some serious style. It is amazing to see the outfits you construct down to every perfect accessory. I love that you love your style too. Own it girl!
I believe this was from our Aquarium Day trip. Look at your EYEBALLS! So fetchin gorgeous! |
12. You make everyone feel so comfortable. You call your home my home too. You made Mike feel so at home the second I told you we were dating and it helped him feel so welcome to the family J
13. I don’t think I could have gotten married without all your help. You earned the title of Sainthood from all those weekly crying fits leading up to it and planning the bachelorette party and doing EVERYTHING the day of the wedding. Seriously, I will owe you forever on this one
14. You are such a thoughtful present giver. It is so fun to see the light in your eyes when you are scheming the perfect present. I will love my straightener till the day I die!
15. I love how you love being healthy. Our Saturday Zumba sessions (now with running) are THE BEST! It is so nice to have someone to swap running tales with and someone to create them with too!
16. You know how to take control of a situation. You have a remarkable ability to just settle everyone by taking charge and taking charge the right way.
Almost as good looking as the one we took at Scott's |
17. You share EVERYTHING! And you do it so lovingly. I can hardly count the number of outfits I have borrowed from you. And how many times have you “rusked” my hair?
18. You are amazingly good natured. As a member of our family, you are guaranteed to be very “lovingly” teased. Not only do you take the jokes made endearingly about you, but you can dish them out too.
19. Your taste in movies, shows, and books is fantastic and luckily very comparable to mine J Which, of course, makes it the best. HP ALL THE WAY!
20. You are so driven to accomplish anything and everything you put your mind to. As mentioned in Numero 3, you don’t do anything half way and that includes your goals.
21. It’s really cute to see how much you love animals and how much work (and success) you have had with not-so-little Maxikins
22. You are such a family girl. You always put your family first! Which is seriously lucky for me that I get to slip into that category too J
23. You are one tough outdoorsy chicka! SO many (if not all…) of my camping memories involve you.
24. Going along with 23, you are so adventurous. You are ALWAYS up for a new, last minute adventure. Like hiking angel’s landing in Zions or doing a half marathon in Moab or camping in Arches.
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Remember how I feel short all the time when I am around you? |
25. I don’t know how, but you always seem to say something during trips that sparks a new catch phrase that wraps those trips up in fond memories. “I wannagoto the beach!” is probably my all-time favorite
26. You make people (like me) feel happy to be themselves. You are always so complimentary especially of traits I wouldn’t normally be proud of. Thank you so much for loving my weirdo self J
27. You manage to make everyone’s lives that little brighter and happier and better. You have so many gifts and you are always striving to better them and gain others.
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Best picture ever taken. Ever. One of our proudest moments for forever :) |
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