I have been contemplating what to write for weeks in regard to my roommates. I mostly didn't want to think about it though because it meant my time living with all of them would be coming to an end :(
To anyone reading this, I want to apologize that you didn't have the best roommates, friends, and sisters in the entire world. I somehow ended up with the best six in the entire world (though one of them has taken an honorary leave of absence for the past to years to live with her manfellow). I have heard so many horror stories about crazy roommates. Roommates who make one dread going home everyday. Roommates who cook obscure smelling things and refuse to bath for weeks on end. Roommates who make one's life miserable. I have the hardest time trying to understand what it would be like to have a roommate who you didn't love unconditionally.
I started my freshman year off at the Y loathing everything about it. I began looking into transferring to the U and wrote some really entertaining journal entries about my dislike for Cougarland. At the end of one of my scathing entries, I wrote this:
"Even though I really don't like it here that much, my roommates are the pro list outweighing the multiple cons. I don't understand how I have come to love virtual strangers so deeply in such a short amount of time. They have become the best friends I've ever had"
Please Note: I have now come to be rather fond of the Y. Dad, could you please help Mom off the floor and check both of you into the nearest hospital. I will come visit both of you in the Cardiac Arrest wing when I done with these wretched finals.
It is hard to describe how exactly each one has changed my life. You know the song, "For Good" from Wicked? I have been thinking about those lyrics a lot. Specifically these ones-
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
I know it might sound a bit crazy to some, but I know my roommates weren't a lucky click of the mouse when I signed up for housing. They came into my life for a reason and they have helped me grow in so many ways. It is so strange to think back to life before them and realize I didn't know them in high school (other than B-rose) or junior high or my whole life. They are a constant source of joy, happy memories, laughs, and love. Though I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad at the thought of not being with them next year, I would be lying if I thought everything was actually coming to an end. Lys will get back from the much to far away land of Romania in good time. Bron will become so famous she can fly us all out to visit her in New York. Sars will have a baby that she will beg me to babysit and dress in obscure infant clothing. D and B-Rose will be having slumber parties with Sel and I (don't scoff, it totally could happen). Cind will also have a baby she will beg me to babysit. The future looks wonderfully bright for the B-Monty girls :)
Here are some pictures of our night on the P-Town strip. Please note how all of my roommates are not just pretty, but GoRgEoUs. That is probably my only slight complaint of the past three years. I tried to request homely ones so I wouldn't feel quite as bad about myself as I rolled out of bed with poofy hair and drool caked all over my cheek. The housing people REALLY got it wrong. My roommates are not only stunning at all points of the day (including when singing birds pull away their covers and they gracefully glide out of bed looking like some sort of warped Disney princess) they are all intelligent, compassionate, friendly, hilarious, talented, and perfect. I actually had to wheelbarrow off the men who swooned at the sight of them which led to me developing massive guns and winning the 2014 Olympics in weight lifting. Silver linings all over the place.
My African-American roommate and my soon to be Ghanaian roommate.
My soon-to-be Romanian roommate and my soon-to-be Miskellian roommate
The Michigan twins. People tell us all the time how similar we look. Except then they add how I am the less talented twin which I feel is highly unnecessary to comment upon
Pretty much in love with them.
We love that song SO much! Don't worry, it will never end! Next month after Matty's wedding, I am meeting my own amazing roommates in Vegas for the weekend! We get together every couple of years and it is SO awesome! Love you girl!