Saturday, December 19, 2015

Baby #2 (6-7 weeks?)

I'm not going to post this for awhile, but WE'RE PREGNANT!!!! 
Yay! I am not really sure how far along I am at this point. My first period in the last two years (and my last for the next year! Huzzah!) was August 26th. Once I was late, I took four pregnancy tests over four days and they were all negative. After 12 days of no Miss Flow, I assumed my period was going to be AWOL while I adjusted to a normal cycle again. Since I had dismissed being pregnant early, I didn't consider it a possibility after those first few days. It would appear this time around everyone knew I was pregnant before I did. 
Sunday Oct 4th: Someone at church congratulates me on my pregnancy. I try not to angrily inform them we are not expecting, thanks. A woman at the grocery store the day before had done the same thing. I then vent to Sel after church about how I apparently I look pregnant enough to openly comment on it even though I am actually just chubby.

Monday Oct 5th:  I decided to get in the bath with Rowan since I was covered in the dinner he opted not to eat. As I was getting undressed, Row pointed to me and signed baby. I scanned the bathroom for anything that would inspire him to sign baby. He normally doesn't sign anything without a reason, but I figured maybe he was thinking about our neighbor's new baby we had seen the day before. When I told Sel about it, he commented how crazy it would be if I was pregnant and Rowan somehow knew before we did. I told him we very much were not pregnant thanks to my four negative pregnancy tests. That night I got the following Fbook message from a friend I haven't talked to in years. 
"Lauren! I know it's been forever but I had a dream last night and you were in it. Long story short we were both pregnant and had the same baby doctor and we had to go through all these obstacles in order to get yo our appointments. It was weird but it reminded me you still exist and I though I would tell you this weird story and say that you are awesome and that I may or may not stalk you on Insta and be in love with your little boy. Let's just say he is adorable" 
Obviously, she's the best and I really ought to have been talking to her more over the past few years. The oddity of all references to me being pregnant inspired me to take a test the next morning just to prove to everyone we were for sure not pregnant. 

Tuesday Oct 6th: As I am taking the pregnancy test, I say out loud "Rowan is crazy". I then start to see that second line appear and stare dumbfounded at proof my child is clairvoyant. Rowan was babbling excitedly in his crib and I couldn't move. I quickly took two other tests only to see that strong second line pop up again. I ran into Row's room, spun him around (while he pushed furiously against my chest in an attempt to rescue the binkies he threw out of his crib) and asked him how he knew Mommy had a baby in her belly. 
When I found out we were expecting Row, I told Sel right away. He was showering upstairs and I snuck in to put the test on the counter for him. Before I could smoothly exit, he had popped his head around the curtain to ask if it was positive or not (he knew I was taking the test since I was late). I felt gypped of what surely would have been an emotionally exciting moment. Not this time around! I had inherited a shirt from a friend that says "Big Brothers Rule" and planned to adorn Row in it whenever the time came. After Sel got off work, I told him to meet us at the park. I put Row in the shirt , addressed an envelope to Sel from his second child with the pregnancy test inside (my, ahem, fifth of the day) and excitedly waited for his ecstatic reaction. He didn't notice Row's shirt at all. He never does and I obviously should have taken that into account. After awhile passed without comment, I handed him the envelope. "No way!" and a big smile was still better than a shampooed head casually asking whether our whole lives were about to change or not. 
Once I found out we were expecting, so many things made sense. Rowan has been demanding to nurse allll day and night. I obviously am having a reduction in my milk supply and it has made Row unbearably upset. Last night he woke up FIVE times and I thought I was going to die. The worst is that  I get my most nauseous when he nurses in the middle of the night and some bad cramping. 
I also had weirdly almost thrown up Pumpkin Pie ice-cream from DQ a few weeks ago. Sel was convinced it was food poisoning even though I almost threw up only a few minutes after eating it. I also had gone to bed a week earlier with a horrible migraine, something I never really deal with. 

It's squished in this picture obviously, but that's the shirt. 

I went ahead and assigned a late due date to keep my mind a little more sane this time around. 

1. Number of Weeks:  About 7 weeks? Still not sure about this. I guess we will find out at our appointment Oct 30th. 

2. Due Date:  Somewhere between May 28th, 2016- June 3rd, 2016? Which going by how late Rowan was, most likely the middle of June. 

3. Gender : I have a pretty solid feeling on this one, but I guess we won't know until December. Which is kind of when I want to tell people. This time around, I want to wait a long time before we tell. Telling parents at 7 weeks made the pregnancy seem soooooo long last time. 

4. Baby Size: About the size of a blueberry. 

5. Weight Gain/Loss: Down 3 lbs. Not for lack of appetite though. I've been treated pretty wonderfully so far. Small bouts of nausea mostly during the afternoon, but nothing bad. I mostly just want FOOD. Not chocolate or sweets or snacks even. I want warm, big meals. 

6 Maternity Clothes: Not yet. Fall is the season of leggings so I will probably wear those every single day for the first trimester and beyond. My body is so nice to me the first trimester or at least it has been so far. 

7. Energy/Sleep I remember being so exhausted with Rowan, but not so far with this bambino! I will randomly get hit during the day with a desperate need to nap, but it will luckily only last a few minutes. I am not sleeping much thanks to my oldest (crazy that I will actually be able to use that word from now on!). I honestly feel relatively normal most days. 

8. Symptoms: I know I actually haven't been able to feel movements, but sometimes I will feel a little flutter that I assume is just stretching and growing to accommodate the blueberry. Some back and hip pain (already. boooo). 

9. Exercise: I also should have noted something last week when I was SO winded from a simple mile run. I've been able to exercise about 30-45 minutes/day so far, but I am much slower than usual and get tired much faster. I'm doing a Fitbit competition this week and am hoping it will keep me on the straight and narrow for exercising throughout this pregnancy. 

10. Thoughts for this Week I was petrified of losing Rowan. I had crippling fear that plagued me in nightmares and constant worry during the day. This time around feels different. I do trust that if we lost the baby, it would be according to Heavenly Father's plan. However, I honestly have a feeling that I want to trust and believe in. I feel like we will most assuredly be keeping and welcoming this little one to our home in June! I am elated and a little bit scared about the changes ahead for us even though this is exactly what I wanted. I am unbelievably grateful for the opportunity to have conceived again with such ease. I feel blessed to have Rowan to keep me distracted from my own thoughts and to generally make my heart burst with love and adoration for. I also CANNOT wait for Oct. 30th. Come on and get here!

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