Saturday, December 19, 2015

Baby #2 Week 11-14

Whoops! The first trimester stretches ooooonnnnn and then BAM! Here we are at 14 weeks.

1. Number of Weeks:  14 weeks and some change

2. Due Date:  June 6th, 2016. (Guys, how cool would it be to have a birthday of 6/6/16)

3. Gender : I had my first moment wondering if it might be a girl? We'll see December 21st! 

4. Baby Size: About the size of a peach

5. Weight Gain/Loss: 1+ (down a total of 6lbs) I am sure it will only be an upward pattern from here on out. I am seriously lucky to lose weight during the first trimester without the cost of barfing non-stop. Hopefully this will always be the pattern.

6 Maternity Clothes: Heck yes! My maternity jeans only stay on for an hour (enough for me to foolishly walk out the door with them on), but I mostly don't care because they are sooo comfortable. I read a lot of preggo blogs and there is this weird trend to brag about not having to wear maternity clothes to X number of weeks in their third trimester. WHY? Why fight the comfy? 

7. Energy/Sleep I finally feel like a normal person again!! I keep forgetting I am even pregnant until I feel my rock hard abs. Okay, only my lower abs (slash my uterus) are rock hard. It's been amazing to feel like this again!

8. Symptoms: Nausea has reappeared strong in week 13. Lame. Right as I am throwing a bon voyage party to my first trimester sickness, it comes back. Luckily it hasn't come back this week. Fingers crossed it minds the restraining order I put out against it.

9. Exercise: Still happening, but running has been tabled until later notice. I was getting awful round ligament pain, hip pain, back pain, blah blah blah for two days after a run which made it not even close to worth it. Walking, swimming, dance are all the hype now.

10. Cravings/Aversions Not much of anything lately. I feel like Balboa in Pirates of the Caribbean where he talks about all food turning to ash in his mouth. I will get all hyped up to eat something and it just lets me down. I ordered some fried rice this week because it has been all I can think about and I hated it. I think I really want Benihana's, but I don't want to risk the $$ to end up hating it like everything else I try to eat.

11. Thoughts for this Week I wish I had documented better the last few weeks. My brain has totally checked out. I can barely talk because I can't remember the right words and then I will switch the correct order of words. Today, for example, I told someone it was like a passage of rite to do something. I could tell I didn't say something correctly, but couldn't remember what I'd said. Is pregnancy Alzheimer's a thing?
I've started to have awful dreams again. I had them all the time with Rowan and would wake up sobbing in the middle of the night. Sel would wake me up enough to remind me it wasn't real and help me go back to sleep. Sadly, Sel has been doing an away rotation in Columbus for the past few weeks and has been absent during my nightmares. Why does pregnancy mess with your brain so much?
Also, I am showing a crazy amount already. I definitely didn't show until about 20 weeks with Rowan so this has been different. Please don't let this mean the bump will be double the size this time around.

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