Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Bit About Kit

The first time I met Kit (mistakenly referred to as Caboodle in past posts) was at a rugby game. She was just coming off the field after dominating at rugby and at life. She sat right down next to me and started a friendly, comfortable conversation. Later on (I actually can't remember if this was another rugby game-they all blurred together after awhile), we attempted to catch a wandering kitten together. Ever since meeting her, she has been a ray of happiness. How many people do you meet who will agree to snatch a likely rabid feline with you?
Here are some really fantastic things about Kit:
1. She is naturally gorgeous. This is sometimes a less than fantastic thing for me cause then I feel it necessary to up my hygiene so I can look half as beautiful as she normally does.
2. She is brilliant. A common trend amongst my future tribe (Sel's direct family). She is majoring in one of the most difficult majors. Despite how hard it can be, she continues to prove not only her intelligence, but her intense perseverance.
3. Athletic. She might look like a sweet, blonde angel, but watch out. I have seen this girl play rugby (easily one of the most brutal sports every) and walleyball. I would have ALWAYS wanted to be on Kit's dodgeball, kickball, hopscotch, unicorn attack team in elementary school. Make that at any school actually.
4. Kit is hilarious. She speaks in these voices (mostly one) sometimes that I find myself subconsciously replicating (or attempting to). She also finds similar things I find funny funny. Which obviously means she has an excellent humor.
5. Kit is kind. While I could go on and on about her, I am going to focus on this Kit Trait. About a month ago, Kit told me she had bought me a present that I was going to love. She was so excited that she told Sel, Caboodle, RoyaleWhiz, Dwise, and Pam all about it before I even got a hint of what it could be. She had mentioned before it was something I would wonder how I have lived without before. Of course she was right. Kit is always right. Please behold the most wonderful gift probably ever (Wow! SO maybe I have been using that phrase a lot. Can you blame me? Sel/Sel's Tribe has gifted me a Venus Fly Trap, Josh Groban tickets, Glitter Toes, their Second Born Son as a marital sacrifice, and now This?)
For all who know what is pictured above, you are officially a member of the Coolest People on Earth Club.

Say what?! Is that me holding Xenophilius Lovegood's deathly hallows necklace?

Proof!!!! This is proof that Hogwarts exists! This is proof that magic exists! This is proof that I am marrying into a wizarding family! Go ahead. Guess who I am dressing up as for the FINAL HP premier?
I called my mother to tell her about above happy news and this is our conversation
Ma: "That's great sweetie! Are you going to wear it with your wedding dress? (Amused chortle of thinking she was really clever in suggesting such a ludicrous idea)
Me: "OH MY GOSH! I didn't even think of that! That's awesome!"
Ma: No. I was kidding.
Me: I know. I am going to though
Ma: Just promise you and Sel won't name your children things from Harry Potter. Like Hermione or Severus.
Me: I will make no such promise. But guess what?! Sel and I chose our favorite elements the other day and then decided to name our children after the founders of Arsenic and Chlorine (our favorite elements). Guess what they are?
Ma: Not a clue
Me: Magnus and Miriam. Except I hate the name Miriam..Mom! I can name them Magnus and Malfoy. Little grandbaby Malfoy.
Ma: Pained sigh. You are a complete geek my child.

Love you Mom!
Love you Harry Potter!
Love you Kit (my soon to be sister!!!!)

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